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Day 16 / 16.07.23 / Pastor Tan Seow How, Senior Pastor, Heart of God Church

Family Devotion Day 16: God has no grandchildren!


Psalm 127:3-4 “Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth.”


Once upon a time, there was a father who loved his two sons. One got bored at home and decided to leave his father so that he could go far away to play games and party with his friends.

The other son continued to stay in his father’s house. But he did not talk much to his father or spend much time with him.

Can you guess which son broke his father’s heart? 

If you guessed that both sons did, you are right! That is because the father loved both his sons very much and longed for them to love him back. But one son went far from his father. And the other son was near to his father, but he was not close to his father.

The only way you can get close to someone is by talking to them, eating with them, enjoying time with them, sharing laughter and even tears with them.

Jesus is like that father. He loves us as His children. Are we close to Him? 

You can get close to Jesus by praying to Him, telling Him about your day, about what is important to you, and also getting to know Him through reading the Bible and learning what is important to Him.

This is what we can remember from the story of the father and his sons:

God has no grandchildren!

Even if your parents are God’s children, that doesn’t make you God’s grandchild. You are still God’s child, because the Bible says that He is your Heavenly Father! God loves you, takes care of you and protects you just like a father.

Near is not the same as close

Going to church on Sundays is great. But that does not mean that from Monday to Saturday, when we are not in God’s house, we forget about God.

God is happy when you are close to Him. Remember to keep talking to Him, telling Him your thoughts in prayer, asking Him for help when you need it and learning what makes Him happy too.

Values are more important than valuables

To God, treasure is not money or houses. To God, our character is treasure! 

Do you show love to your Ah Ma or Ah Kong by listening to their stories? Are you a good friend to your classmates? Do you help take care of your younger siblings? These are all treasures to God!

/ Discuss
  • What is one habit you can start so that you can be closer to your Heavenly Father?
  • Is there someone you can show God’s love to today? How will you do it?
/ Pray
  • Pray to see God as your Heavenly Father who loves you and wants to be close to you.  Ask Him to show you what you can do to be closer to Him.
  • Pray for your parents, your teachers and other leaders in your life to receive God’s wisdom, patience and love as they care for the young people God has put in their lives.