Day 29 / 29.07.23 / Pastor Norman Ng, Senior Pastor, 3:16 Church AND Co Founder, TrueLove.Is, HeartbeatProject.sg

Day 29: Let a generation of leaders arise!

Acts 13:2 “While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.””

In Acts 13, we read of the church in Antioch who were praying. It says that while they were worshipping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said “Set apart for me Barnabus and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” (Acts 13:2)

How many of you know that the Holy Spirit is still speaking today? As we pray, may He reveal a new wave of Barnabuses and Sauls who will lead their generation. May there be a great revealing of leaders, a season like when Jesus chose and appointed the Twelve, a time like when He sent out the 72 and, in so doing, revealed the leaders of the Kingdom for that generation.

This revealing of leaders is so important because later in the same chapter, we read that when David had served God’s purposes in his own generation, he fell asleep. In every generation, God chooses a people to fulfil the purposes of God for that time. 

The leaders of the ’70s and ’80s fought different battles compared to the leaders of today. Now, we are very grateful for the spiritual fathers and mothers who have led the way and we are praying that the Holy Spirit will reveal the leaders who will confront the battles we face today. 

The tribe of Issachar were men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do. In 1 Chronicles 7, this group was described as mighty warriors of their generation. 

Church, may the mighty warriors of Gen Z be revealed in the Body of Christ today. Gen Zs are already coming of age; they are not young anymore. The oldest among Gen Zs is already 28 this year. 

I recently met a 19-year-old and saw remarkable leadership in this young man. They can be the revivalists of our day. May the Holy Spirit reveal these leaders as He did in times past. 

In 1904, God revealed a young man named Evan Roberts who would lead the Welsh Revival. He was only 26 years old then. He would be a Gen Z today. 

As a young man, he cried out, “Lord bend me, bend me!” And God set him on fire and gave him a passion for souls. He said, “I felt ablaze with the desire to go through the length and breadth of Wales to tell of the Saviour.” 

Let’s have some of these young men in Singapore here today. In nine months back then (in the Welsh Revival), a reported 100,000 souls were swept into the Kingdom of God. 

During that time, churches were so crowded that multitudes couldn’t get in. Meetings lasted from 10am to midnight, people were confessing their sins, relationships were reconciled, drunkards, adulterers and murderers repented, thieves returned stolen property, the judges were presented with white gloves because they had no cases to trial. And, through it all, God used a young man to lead that revival. 

Church, I believe that Singapore is pregnant with a new generation of leaders. Let us pray that the Holy Spirit will reveal the Gen Z leaders, as well as those who will mentor them. Let us pray:

Father, we pray that your Holy Spirit will reveal the revivalists of our day. Bring forth the burning ones who are unashamed of the Gospel and unapologetic about their faith. Show us the ones who are serious about turning from their sin into a life of holiness, the ones who will be willingly bent to Your will. 

Lord raise the ones who are not bound by the praise of men, who are not held captive by the fear of men. Reveal the ones who will carry the love of Christ with deep humility and brokenness, Lord, reveal the leaders of the next generation in Singapore.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Download the PDF version of today’s devotional here.

/ Reflect
  • Gen Z or not, are you willing to be bent to be God’s yielded vessels to the world? 
  • Gen Z or not, how have you seen God moving in this generation? And what might His will be for this generation? 
  • Gen Zs: How is the Lord calling you to be a part of His army of mighty warriors? If you are not a Gen Z, what is the Lord calling you to do to mentor these future leaders?
/ Pray
  • Pray for Gen Z leaders and revivalists to be raised who will boldly guide their generation in the ways of the Lord, confront the specific battles of their time and contend for God’s Kingdom.
  • Pray for the Church to equip itself to ground the next generation according to God’s Word and God’s Will.
  • Pray for unity and partnership between generations, that the older may share wise counsel and experience, even as the younger lead with energy and zeal.