Day 15 / 15.07.23 / Rev Tony Yeo, Senior Pastor, Covenant EFC and Chairman, Evangelical Free Church of Singapore

Day 15: Gravitating towards God

2 THESSALONIANS 3:3-5 “But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one. We have confidence in the Lord that you are doing and will continue to do the things we command. May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance.”

As we discern the times we live in, we observe soaring energy bills, rising inflation, impending economic recession, chaotic world affairs and climate anxiety. All this is urgent, but the most urgent cry and desperate need is to Turn the Nation Godward.

Prayer turns our attention Godward as one Body of Christ and leads us to the heart of our Father God. Prayer has a powerful and mysterious way of orientating our Nation Godward in the same way that a magnet orientates a compass towards true North. 

Similarly, as Apostle Paul turns Godward, his inner compass gravitates towards giving God all the glory and honour.

In 2 Thessalonians 3:1, Paul’s consuming desire is for God’s Word to spread speedily so that the nation may turn Godward. But it will not be a walk in the park. There are two attributes of God that we must confidently hold fast to as a nation:

Firstly, God is faithful. “But the Lord is faithful, and He will guard you from the evil one and spiritual danger.” (2 Thessalonians 3:3)

Our souls face real spiritual dangers until the time we put our faith in Christ. Praise God that those who call upon the name of Jesus alone have been rescued from the domain of darkness and are now guarded against the evil one. 

When our lives are saturated in prayer, we will continually be reminded that even when God doesn’t protect us from wicked people, He is still faithful to watch over us. We don’t have to be afraid. We can stand strong and look up to Him because He is faithful!

Secondly, God loves you. In the spiritual battle of spreading the Gospel, we can get exhausted and discouraged. At the heart of these spiritual battles is the battle of our hearts. (2 Thessalonians 3:5)

Our hearts can be deceitful, divided, distracted, doubtful and darkened. Paul prayed for our hearts to be directed to God’s love, especially when facing long-drawn-out challenges. 

Paul prayed that our hearts will be directed to the steadfastness of Christ. The steadfastness of Christ is what willed Christ to the Cross, where Christ suffered and died to pay for the sins of the world so that anyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. It was at the cross that Christ triumphed over sin and the evil one! 

Likewise, may we bear up in the face of adversities, endure and persevere through trials.

At a recent Sunday service, a non-Christian man came up to me and shared his near-death experience. I shared the Gospel with him. The Spirit of God moved him and by the grace of God, he prayed to receive Christ. 

His wife texted the next day and said: “It is the happiest day of my life to finally see my husband come to know Jesus on the only weekend we had in Singapore.” Praise the Lord!

As we turn our Nation Godward, we must believe that God is totally sovereign and ultimately victorious. Some will be called to sow the seed of the Gospel. Others will be called to water and still others to reap the harvest. 

The total sovereignty and ultimate victory of God gives us the confidence to press on and that victory is sure and ours to claim in Jesus’ name. Let us pray:

Our Eternal God and Father, we thank You that You are a faithful God who protects us and loves us. Help us stand strong and press on as You turn our nation Godward. 

Thank you that in Christ Jesus alone, we are not fighting for victory but from victory. 

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Download the PDF version of today’s devotional here.

/ Reflect
  • How have you experienced God’s faithfulness in past trying times?
  • How can you anchor your heart on God’s lovingkindness in trying times?
  • How can you pray for those in your life to stand firm, trusting in God’s faithfulness and unfailing love?
/ Pray
  • Thank God for the victory He has already secured for us and pray for the truth of that victory to settle in our hearts in spite of all that is happening around in the world. 
  • Pray for the steadfastness of Christ that allows us to stand firmly on the truth of God, and emboldens us to give ourselves fully to our labour of love for His Kingdom, even in the face of opposition.
  • Pray that, as individuals and as a Church, each of us will forsake the illusory comforts of a lukewarm faith and join the ranks of God’s soldiers to take our stand against the schemes of the devil.