SAVE THE DATE! Day of His Power • 8 Aug • 8pm
Day 12 / 12.07.23 / Pastor Dominic Yeo, General Superintendent, The Assemblies of God of Singapore

Day 12: To the other side

MARK 4:35-5:20

The Scripture tells us in Mark 4:35: “That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, let us go over to the other side.”

This is an interesting verse when we understand the context of Mark 4. 

In Mark 4, the Scripture tells us that – as Jesus was teaching – many people came to listen to his ministry. In fact, I would liken it to a preacher who is preaching and his church starts growing. This small church then very soon becomes a megachurch. 

The Scripture tells us that, wherever Jesus went, there was always a crowd. And that when Jesus was by the Sea of Galilee teaching, there was such a big crowd that the disciples had to feed the crowd that day and therefore we have, in Matthew, the miracle where Jesus used five loaves of bread and two fish to feed the multitudes. 

Here in this Gospel of Mark 4, the Scripture tells us that there was a crowd and, very soon, as the megachurch started growing, Jesus turns around to his disciples and says: Let us go over to the other side. 

I believe God is challenging every local church today. And one of the phenomena about the churches in Singapore is that, in a country like Singapore, we have one of the most number of megachurches around. 

In fact, I want to challenge every church today, particularly the megachurches, to understand that it is important to have megachurch movements. But more so, as we build such a strong ministry, we must remember to go over to the other side. 

Why is it important to go over to the other side? Well, let’s follow this story as the disciples and Jesus made their way over to the other side.

God is challenging every local church today.

The Bible tells us they went across the lake and, as soon as they went across the lake, when Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an evil spirit came from the tomb to meet him. (Mark 5:2)

This man lived in a tomb and no one could bind him anymore, not even with a chain. This was an infamous person, possessed by thousands of demons. He was always chained and none of the chains could hold him. Nothing could bind him.

When Jesus and the disciples arrived on this other side, there was this confrontation. Many of us have read this story and would have heard multiple sermons on this. But there is a very important verse that tells us of the importance of Jesus coming over to the other side. 

As Jesus came toward this demon-possessed man, the demon-possessed man knelt before Jesus, the son of the living God “and he begged Jesus again and again not to send them out of the area.” (Mark 5:10)

Nothing could bind him.

I believe there are principalities over our nation, over the different facets of society and community and there are demons that control and God is challenging the Church of Jesus Christ to go over to the other side so that we can set men and women free. 

As a result of this power confrontation, this man was delivered and the Bible tells us that the Decapolis, a union of 10 cities, heard about Jesus. 

It is about time that you and I go over to the other side so that, through the confrontation, men and women will hear about Jesus. Let’s pray:

Father, I pray for the Church in Singapore, that we will not be loud just to have a big ministry. I pray that we go over to the other side because there is always a man, a woman, a community, a family, that needs to be set free from the attacks and control of demonic forces. 

We pray, Father, as men and women, as families, and as communities come to know you, that the larger community will hear about the fame of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Bless this Church in Singapore right now as we go over to the other side. 

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Download the PDF version of today’s devotional here.

/ Reflect
  • Why did Jesus, with his disciples, go to the other side?
  • What does “crossing over to the other side” look like in your life this season?
  • Is there something holding you back from going over to the other side where Christ is leading you? Ask God for His strength as you go with Him!
/ Pray
  • Pray for the Christians battling anger, unforgiveness, lust and other sins that bind us and shame us. Pray for God’s equipping power and authority to overcome these principalities and bring liberation to those who are bound, that we might worship God freely and joyfully.
  • Pray for obedience and courage to heed God’s call to leave our comfort zones and follow Jesus to “the other side”, whether that means people who are different, regions that are challenging, or situations that are daunting, in order to share the Good News.
  • Pray for the spread of the Gospel and for revival fire. Ask for Christ’s love for the lost to fill us. Confess and repent of our inward-looking tendencies, as individuals and as the Body of Christ. Jesus came to seek out and save the lost. Ask God for the opportunity and ability to do the same.