Day 13 / 13.07.23 / 郑福财牧师(博士), 主任牧师,更新基督教会 Rev Dr Chern Hock Chye, Senior Pastor, Renewal Christian Church

Family Devotion Day 13: Sowing and Reaping


1 CORINTHIANS 9:16 For when I preach the gospel, I cannot boast, since I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!


Many computer games have quests. Do you know that as Christians, we too are on a quest? A Christian’s real-life quest is to tell people about Jesus. Even the apostle Paul says he feels terrible when he does not share the Gospel. 

After Jesus was resurrected and before He rose to heaven, His final instructions to His followers were to go and make disciples in every nation, to baptise them, to teach them to obey Him. But how can they obey Him if they do not know Him? 

When we tell people about Jesus, then they will know about Him. They can trust Him. They can follow Him. 

But there are so many nations, so many people! We can start with Singapore. We can start with our school. We can start with our neighbourhood. We can start with our friend or brother or cousin. Nothing is too small for God. He will bless our efforts to share the Gospel because we have obeyed His instructions. 

Let us go and tell people in Singapore about Jesus, one person at a time. Don’t give up! 

/ Reflect


  • How will you start small today to engage with the harvest field at your doorstep – the Chinese-speaking community?
  • What hinders you from sharing the Gospel? Is it inertia, fear of rejection, worldly distractions, or something else? What is one change you can make to overcome this obstacle between you and your witness?
  • “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 29:20) In what ways have you seen God’s Presence in your life? How does this encourage you to share Christ with others?


/ Pray


  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to stir up the Church to remember the urgency of evangelism. Ask God to inspire the leadership with the right strategies and resources to reach those who have yet to know the Lord.
  • Pray for churches to unite in the vision to reach the Mandarin-speaking harvest field that is ripe for harvest. Ask God to guide collaborations and bring about a sharing of resources that will step up evangelism to this demographic. Seek unity in Spirit among the churches.