{ Opening }

1Day 1: What is God’s direction for the Church in Singapore?

{ Turning Singapore Godward }

2Day 2: Preach the Word, sow the Gospel 3Day 3: Is God’s vision your passion? 4Day 4: The two-fold call of the Great Commission 5Day 5: God can work through any of us 6Day 6: God of supernatural movements 7Day 7: Are we thirsting for Living Water? 8Day 8: “Cannot make it?” Not to God! 9Day 9: Reach out to the last, least and lost 10Day 10: How do we define success? 11Day 11: He will give you rest 12Day 12: Don’t let your weakness hold you back 13Day 13: Repentance is the key to revival 14Day 14: The courage to be salt and light 15Day 15: Dear Mordecai Generation, you have a key role to play

{ Winning the Youth }

16Day 16: Paving the way for the next generation 17Day 17: Church is about L-I-V-E-S 18Day 18: The Gospel that transforms, heals and saves 19Day 19: Let your life give life to others 20Day 20: The best gift for our children 21Day 21: Building life-giving families 22Day 22: Let every child see the kindness of God 23Day 23: The next generation is watching you 24Day 24: A generation of overcomers 25Day 25: Wait on the Lord 26Day 26: Make God’s priority your priority 27Day 27: Respect the youth – and win the youth 28Day 28: Pick up your sword! 29Day 29: Youths, step up to win the youth

{ Blessing the Nations }

30Day 30: Let the Antioch Church arise 31Day 31: Believing beyond 32Day 32: Churches without walls 33Day 33: Get out of the church! 34Day 34: ALL IN for Jesus 35Day 35: What matters most to you? 36Day 36: What would you do for the least of them? 37Day 37: You were born for a purpose 38Day 38: A church united for the nations 39Day 39: The Great Commission revisited

{ Closing }

40Day 40: The time is now!