Day 05 / 05.07.24 / Rev Dr Chern Hock Chye, Senior Pastor of Renewal Christian Church

Day 5: God can work through any of us

Matthew 9:37-38 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

My church is one that only has Mandarin services. That means we do not have any English services. Even though many young people attend our weekly prayer meetings, our worship songs and prayers are still done in Mandarin.

This year, our church celebrated our 35th anniversary. But what many people don’t know is that our founding pastor was a student from an English-language school. He was an ACS boy.

His Chinese wasn’t good when he was in school. But because he received God’s vision and will, he was willing to obey, go against all odds, devote himself to the ministry for the Chinese-speaking grassroots community, and start a purely Mandarin-speaking church.

Switching to a language that one is unfamiliar with is surely an arduous process. But this is an encouragement and role model to many believers.

This is a lesson that I learnt when it comes to evangelism. When you are willing to obey God and act, amazing things will happen!

The truth is, we have heard many calls about the Great Commission. But how many of us are truly responding? Brothers and sisters, what kind of Christian life are you living? Are you willing to become the person that God desires?

There is a very thought-provoking passage in the Bible. It records that Jesus Christ went through towns and villages, saw many who were harassed and helpless, and He had compassion on them.

He then said to His disciples: “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (Matthew 9:37-38)

As Jesus walked among the crowds and felt the people’s needs, He had compassion and He responded immediately with the right action! Christians also need to feel how God feels so that we can live a life that walks with Him and is according to His will.

When you are willing to obey God and act, amazing things will happen!

What is God’s will? His will is for everyone to come to repentance, not wanting anyone to perish. (2 Peter 3:9)

Turning a sinner from the error of their ways will save them from death. (James 5:20)

Bearing fruit by God’s power

In the past century, Singapore was a country that desperately needed to hear the Gospel and we were once an unreached people.

However, because of a group of missionaries and Christians who received God’s vision and responded to His call, and because of their devotion and obedience, they preached the Gospel to us and established churches, so that we can become God’s children, and grow and serve in God’s church.

Even though these forefathers could not see the fruit back then, they fully believed that God’s promise would come true and they worked hard to spread the Gospel.

Today, you and I are all the fruit of their faith and obedience.

I firmly believe that even today, God is still doing a new thing among His people.

God wants the Gospel to be preached to us, and to bear fruit and grow throughout the whole world. (Colossians 1:6)

Christians also need to feel how God feels so that we can live a life that walks with Him and is according to His will.

I remember that because of the Second World War, I have always hated Japan since young, to the point that I would never step into a Japanese restaurant and eat Japanese food.

But at a Homecoming service, the speaker asked the Chinese to reconcile with the Japanese and pray for them. Something miraculous happened!

After that day, I realised that my hatred towards the Japanese was gone, and today my church even does missions work in Japan. Last year, I also went to Japan twice to do missions.

Hence, with the power of the Gospel, all change is possible!

Pastor Yang Xiru from Blessed And Blessing Church in Kaohsiung once said: “Christians often perceive evangelism to be too difficult because they rely on their own strength.”

Therefore, brothers and sisters, I want to encourage you to continue relying on the power of God’s Gospel, and push yourself to take action.

As long as you are willing, even a little action will eventually bear fruit. But if we don’t do anything, absolutely nothing will happen.

Let us take this time to pray together:

Dear Lord, please bless the churches in Singapore, so that because of the actions of many people, we can all become fruitful churches!


/ Reflect
  • Reflect on 2 Peter 3:9. What and who is God laying on your heart in terms of reaching out to the unreached?
  • What are your apprehensions when it comes to sharing the Gospel? How will you ask God to help you overcome these obstacles?
  • How will you pray for your church to be a fruitful church?
/ Pray
  • Pray for courage to share the Gospel, especially with people of different languages who may not have heard it. Ask for the fear of rejection or embarrassment to be replaced with confidence in God’s truth and the desire to share the abundant life He offers.
  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you in your evangelistic efforts. Where there are obstacles to language and culture, ask God for the right words, understanding and action to sensitively and effectively communicate the Good News.
  • Pray for the Church in Singapore, that God’s Word transforms believers to such a degree that we become living letters of Christ, embodying His grace, love and humility. Ask God to manifest His character in our daily lives, that we may become His voice, His hands and feet in our neighbourhoods, work places and homes.