Day 29 / 29.07.24 / Pastor Daniel Khong, Senior Pastor of Faith Community Baptist Church

Family Devotion Day 29: Tell your friends about Jesus


Matthew 9:37-38 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”


There are too many people who need to hear the Gospel and too few people to share it. That is why Jesus said in Matthew 9 that the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. This is a picture of a field of ripe fruit and vegetables, ready for picking. But there are too few people to pick them!

It is not just the job of children’s Pastors, teachers and parents to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Every Christian can play a part in introducing others to Jesus. Yes, that means you too! You are in the best place to share about Jesus and show His love to other children. 

Let’s pray for more people to tell others about Jesus but let’s also be the people to tell others about Jesus.

Ask one or two Christian friends to pray with you and be your partner in sharing the Gospel with those who do not know Him yet.

/ Discuss
  • Who do you know who has not yet heard of Jesus or who does not believe in Him? 
  • How can you show them the love of Jesus? How can you tell them about how Jesus came to save them?
  • Who can you ask to be your partner in sharing the Gospel?
/ Pray
  • Pray that God will show you who you can share the Gospel with and teach you how to share it.
  • Pray for strong leaders who will guide young people to live in God’s ways, face difficult situations and work hard for God’s Kingdom. 
  • Ask God to bless the different generations in His church with togetherness and understanding, so that young and old can live wisely and lead actively.