Day 24 / 24.07.24 / Rev Samuel Phun, Senior Pastor of River Community Church

Family Devotion Day 24: The devil is scared!


Revelation 12:11 “They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.”


Did you know that God is raising up young people who will scare the devil? 

The Bible says in Revelation 12:11 that this generation will defeat the devil by: 

  • The power of the blood of Jesus.
  • Speaking the truth about Jesus and sharing the Word of God to others. 
  • Being brave to live for God.  

The Bible says God will give the power of His Holy Spirit to all people, and that includes you! 

So be bold and courageous to share the Word of God. The Gospel has the power to save. 

Then those who hear the Word will love and serve the Lord. They will let the Holy Spirit guide their lives. They will respect God. 

Let us pray especially for young people like you and your friends to grow up learning and obeying God’s Word. 

Let us also pray for those who do not yet know God to be ready to believe when they hear the Gospel.

/ Discuss
  • What are some ways you are learning about who God is today? 
  • What are 3 things you would like to share with other young people about God?
/ Pray
  • Pray that God will show you and other young people how to live for Him. 
  • Ask God to prepare the youths in your generation to receive His truth and to see Him in their lives. Pray that young people will be sure of God’s love and will be eager to share it with others. 
  • Pray that God will help parents guide their children according to God’s ways and teach their children about Jesus clearly.