Day 22 / 22.07.24 / Jennifer Heng, Founder and Director of Safe Place

Family Devotion Day 22: Show God’s kindness


Romans 2:4 Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience, not realising that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?


Do you know you can turn your friends and schoolmates to Jesus? 

When you care about their struggles, love them as a friend and invite them into your home, you are showing the kindness of God. God put you into their lives for a reason. Grown-ups may never have the chance to get as close to them as you can. 

The Bible says it is the kindness of God that draws people to Him. When you show kindness, you are letting them see God’s character.

Invite your friends to church activities, encourage them to read the Bible, make an effort to answer any question they may have or offer to check the answers for them. Above all, treat them with warmth and kindness. Even if they do not turn to Jesus today, they will remember your kindness and the God you speak about.

Who knows? One day they may follow Jesus because of the kindness of God they have experienced through you.

/ Discuss
  • Why is it important to treat people with kindness? 
  • Who are the people around you who are struggling with school, friends or other problems? Ask God to show you who they are so that you can pray for them. 
  • What can you do to show God’s kindness to them?
/ Pray
  • Pray that God will help you be kind and patient, so that others will turn to you when they are sad or lonely. Ask Him to teach you to listen and to encourage.
  • Seek God for His wisdom in knowing what to say to people to encourage them, how to say it and when to say it . 
  • Ask God to show you practical ways to be kind every day, so that people will see Jesus in you and they will want to know more about Him.