Day 02 / 02.07.24 / Rt Rev Lu Guan Hoe, Bishop of the Lutheran Church of Singapore

Family Devotion Day 2: Be ready!


2 Timothy 4:2-3 Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage – with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.


More and more people in Singapore do not believe in God. Some are young people like you.

They are no longer interested in hearing the Gospel and living a life that pleases God. All they want to hear is what their ears want to hear.

Yet, Paul tells us to be prepared to tell people about Jesus at any time. When we do so, it is like we are planting seeds in people’s hearts. God will bring other people to water those seeds. God, not you, will make the seeds grow into a new life that is changed by the Good News.

Some young Christians don’t want to go to church because they feel they are not loved. What can you do? Look out for anyone who may be lonely or hurt, make friends with them, study the Bible with them and pray with them.

But don’t do this on your own. Tell your Sunday School teachers or Pastors about them so they can also teach them God’s Word, guide them and care for them.

We can turn Singapore to God only by God’s power, not by our own cleverness.

So, let us grab any chance to share God’s Word and let God work!

/ Discuss
  • How can you prepare yourself to share God’s Word at any time?
  • Is there someone in your church who feels lonely or left out? What can you do to help them stay in church to learn more about Jesus?
  • Are there friends and relatives outside of church you can also share God’s Word with?
/ Pray
  • Pray that the Holy Spirit will give you the words and the ways to turn people to God.
  • Pray that those who hear the Gospel will believe it.
  • Pray for your church to be a church that is prepared to share the Word, not just in Singapore, but in other nations.