Day 13 / 13.07.24 / Pastor Pacer Tan, Senior Pastor of Lighthouse Evangelism

Family Devotion Day 13: Are we clean?


1 Peter 4:17 “For it is time for judgement to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?”


God calls all of us to be His special way of turning the hearts of Singaporeans to Him. But to be useful to Him, we must first make sure we are close to God. 

How do we do this? 

Come to God to say sorry for our sins – for example, speaking badly of other people, thinking we are always right, not loving God. The Bible says that if we are sorry for our sins, He will forgive us and make us clean. 

As we say sorry, God will fill our hearts with love for those who do not know Him. We see this in Acts 1 and 2, when 120 disciples praying in the upper room of a house were filled with the Holy Spirit. Then they went out and shared the Gospel without fear to a world that did not believe in Jesus. 

Would you like to be a special way for God to bring His love and eternal life to your friends, family and neighbours? First come to God and invite Him into your life.

/ Discuss
  • What has God shown you about yourself that needs to change? Bring these things to God and ask for His forgiveness. 
  • What can you do to remove the things, behaviour or thoughts that do not please God? Ask God for the power of His Holy Spirit to change.
/ Pray
  • Pray for an open and humble heart to receive God’s word when He tells us what we need to be sorry for. Is it our unkind words? Is it our laziness? 
  • Ask God to forgive you of your sin and cleanse you so you may be used by Him to share His love and power. 
  • Pray that God will help you show His love and give you words to bless the one who hears His Gospel.