Day 01 / 01.07.24 / Pastor Jeff Chong, Chairman of LoveSingapore, Senior Pastor of Hope Singapore

Family Devotion Day 1: 3 ways you can live for God!


Ephesians 5:15-17 Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.


The Bible teaches us to think about how God wants us to live our lives every day, and how to make good choices. It also teaches us to remember that God wants to do something special through our lives.

God gives all Christians in Singapore three things to do:

1. Turn Singapore to God

There are many people in Singapore who do not know God yet. If we do not show them who God is, there will soon be even more people who do not know Him.

Let us try our best to tell at least one friend or family member this year about Jesus.

2. Tell the young people about His love

The best way to change the world is to reach out to our friends today, especially those who are not yet Christians.

This way, they will grow up learning about God and His Word, and they will be able to teach others the same.

3. Bless people from other countries

God wants us to share the Good News of Jesus to people from other countries too. He wants us to tell of His love to those who have never heard of Him before.

You can do that even in Singapore, as there are many people from other countries living among us. Or you can join your church’s mission trip together with your parents.

These three goals are God’s heart for Singapore. May you also have the same heart.

The time to start is now!

/ Discuss
  • What would you say about Jesus when you tell your friends about Him?
  • Is there someone God wants you to share Jesus’ love with?
/ Pray
  • Pray that all those who read the 40 Day Devotions will learn about what God wants for Singapore.
  • Pray that God will give us a heart that cares about those who do not know Jesus, especially the young people.
  • Pray for our new Government to have wisdom to lead the country. Pray that they will lead in a manner that is right by God.