Day 38: A church united for the nations
Where there is unity, God commands a blessing.
Often we think of unity around a cause, a style, or an agenda. But that is uniformity. Unity is not the same as uniformity.
Uniformity deals with appearance; unity deals with the heart.
To bless the nations, let us first be a blessing to our brother, our sister, to one another.
“By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35)
We will be a blessing to the nations – not by our efficiency, not by our generosity, not by our excellence – but by our love for one another.
Unity is not a flag, or a brand, or even a cause. True unity is centred on relationship and how we treat each other.
Uniformity deals with appearance; unity deals with the heart.
First of all, are we aligned in our will, mind, body and soul?
It’s hard to have unity among one another in the Body of Christ if we have tension within ourselves.
Our lives become a façade, a performance when we try to live it in compartments.
Instead of thinking: What hat do I need to put on? think: How can I be the best version of Andrew that God intended – as a father, a husband, a son, an employee?
Then we would be the same person in public and in private.
3 ways to achieve unity
1. Surrender fears and seek God for healing
There was a time when I would wake up every morning at 7am, read the Word, and lie in bed, asking God: “Father, who am I and what do you want me to do?”
I would hear God speak, and His word would bring peace and healing, creating in me love and joy that I had never experienced before.
2. Build unity amongst the brethren
Are we united with those who are meant to be closest to us? Have we forgiven those who have hurt us? Have we resolved past conflicts that have been swept under the carpet for years?
It is a pointless cause trying to be a blessing to the nations when we can’t be a blessing to our brother.
It’s hard to have unity among one another in the Body of Christ if we have tension within ourselves.
How do we know there’s unity? There’s peace when we think about that person. We can share a meal together, we can pray a blessing over each other.
A great way to tell if there’s unity is when we can serve one another in love. Surrender self, serve others.
Let not my will, but Yours be done.
3. Desire that commanded blessing!
True unity commands a blessing.
A member of our church highlighted this to me recently. She said: “I see you pastoring the church, I see your eldest daughter caring for the babies and I see your helper, Anita, always with a group of Filipino ladies following around her.”
We didn’t intend to set it up this way; we didn’t ask for my daughter or my helper to care for babies or other Filipinos. But I thank God for His commanded blessing.
To be a blessing to our nations, let’s fight for true unity among ourselves, with our brothers, and especially with those in our homes.
Let’s pray:
Father we thank You for this beautiful nation of Singapore. We thank You, God, that You have called and have chosen us to be a blessing to the nations.
Father God, we lift up every person, every church, right now, that there would be a pursuit and a desire for unity among ourselves within the church, and that there will be a commanded blessing when we pursue unity above all.
Father we thank You that, as You bless this nation, there will be an outpouring, an overflow, of blessings that will touch nations all over the globe. Father bless the Church and bless Your people. We lift You up above every other name. We thank You, we love You, we honour You.
In Jesus’ most precious name we pray. Amen.