Day 32: Churches without walls
Jesus explicitly instructed His disciples before He ascended to heaven to preach repentance for the forgiveness of sins in His name to all nations, beginning in Jerusalem. (Luke 24:47) And the Holy Spirit will come upon believers to empower them to fulfil this commission!
The power of the Holy Spirit brings wisdom, understanding, revelations, gifts, healings, miracles and so forth. The purpose is to help the Church become a blessing for all nations. The Church must never neglect this commission!
We know that the power of the Holy Spirit can bring blessings to both the Church and our personal lives.
However, when we receive God’s blessings and become wealthy, it is also easy to fall into materialism and become worldly, leading to problems such as greed, workaholism, alcoholism, affairs, addictions and mental health issues.
If we are not careful, Christians will slowly neglect the commission given by Jesus Christ, and forget what He says: “You are in the world but not of the world.”
Be careful not to let God’s blessings make you neglect God’s commission.
God is a good God. He wants to bless us. He empowers us. But He does not want such prosperity, possessions, power and fame to replace Him as the god of our lives.
Believers must remember that we are merely God’s stewards, and all the abilities and authority are entrusted to us by God.
The purpose of our being empowered is to help those who are powerless, rather than abusing the power for our own benefit.
We know that the power of the Holy Spirit can bring blessings to both the Church and our personal lives.
Jesus says that the Spirit of the Lord is on Him, empowering Him to proclaim Good News to the poor, freedom for the prisoners, recovery of sight for the blind and to set the oppressed free. (Luke 4:18)
Therefore, as the Body of Christ, the Church must be one without walls, reaching every corner of society. Wherever there is a need, we will go and meet it. Wherever there is pain, we will go and heal it.
The Church must humble herself, deny herself, go the extra mile and be a servant to all, just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve. (Matthew 20:27-28)
Let’s pray together:
Dear Lord, I pray that the Holy Spirit will fill every brother and sister and every church. Please empower us to bring the Father’s love and Christ’s salvation and healing to the nations. Whatever the cost, let us become a blessing to the nations.
All these we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.