Day 22 / 22.07.24 / Jennifer Heng, Founder and Director of Safe Place

Day 22: Let every child see the kindness of God

Romans 2:4 Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience, not realising that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?

When I was in Secondary School, I had a classmate who was a Christian and active church-goer. 

She knew about the struggles I was facing in my family and my life at that time. She cared for me as a friend, and frequently invited me to church. 

Her mum would drive us to church, and I was always very touched by their kindness and genuine care. They made me think well of God and Christians. I committed my life to Jesus a few years later. My friend and her family had a part to play in my desire to be a Christian.

Fast forward to today. I am a newly-minted parent of a teenager. My daughter is passionate about God and loves going to church. She has been super enthusiastic about inviting her friends to church activities even when she was in Primary School. 

My husband and I are always willing to drive her friends and her to church, take them out for lunch and spend time with them. Once, she told us that a classmate had family problems and hardly saw his parents at home. We invited him to have lunch at our home. 

Our daughter knows that our home is always open to her friends, and our role is to treat them with warmth and kindness.

Even though not all her friends have received Christ at the moment, we want our daughter not to lose her fire for evangelism. The vivid memory of the kindness I received from my secondary school friend and her family many years ago makes me want to do the same for my daughter and her friends now.

Reflecting the heart of God

Romans 2:4 says that it is the kindness of God that leads us to repentance. It is not His judgment or his anger. It is His kindness. 

I think back to the days I received great kindness from the believers of Jesus – I was actually experiencing the kindness of God which eventually led me to repent of my sins and give my life to Jesus.

When I look at my daughter today, I see her placed in the best position to win her friends for Jesus. She would fervently encourage them to read my book, Walking Out of Secret Shame, answer their questions about God, discuss and speak truth to issues of society that concern them. 

Her testimony, friendship and interactions with her friends in school are the best tools for outreach. As an adult, I may never have the chance to reach any of these young people directly. But, with kindness, my daughter and our family can reach her friends together. 

Our daughter knows that our home is always open to her friends, and our role is to treat them with warmth and kindness.

Winning the youth of today will not simply be through better programmes or bigger events. At the heart of it, it is the kindness of God who will lead the young people to repentance and to a place of surrender to Jesus. 

Whether it is through our children, our neighbours, our workplaces or our churches, let’s express the kindness and goodness of God to the young people around us. 

Let’s extend warmth and love, reflect the heart of God for them, and believe that the Holy Spirit will lead them to open their hearts to Jesus.

Let’s pray:

Father God, it is truly your kindness that leads us to repentance. I thank you for the opportunities to display kindness to those around us, especially the young people who are hurting, seeking love and hungry for truth. 

Give us great grace to extend hospitality and generosity to the young people around us. Empower them in their schools and places of influence, so that they may be passionate about reaching their friends. 

We commit this generation into your hands. They belong to You! May their hearts turn to You! 

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

/ Reflect
  • Why do you think kindness means so much to youths? How do you convey to pre-believing youths that the kindness you show is anchored upon your Christian values and beliefs?
  • Why do you think “God’s kindness, forbearance and patience” (Romans 2:4) are more effective than judgement or anger in leading someone to repentance and surrender?
  • What is one step you can take today to extend God’s hand of friendship to someone you find difficult to care for?
/ Pray
  • Pray for the grace to be a “safe” person for the youth to talk to, one who listens well and refrains from judgement and unsolicited lectures. Ask for guidance in nurturing a space where the youth can express themselves honestly and where they can process the many questions they face every day.
  • Ask the Lord for wisdom and patience to relate to a generation that is curious and globally exposed to highly diverse values and beliefs.
  • Pray to be an example of kindness, forbearance and patience to youths, that their walls may be broken down and they may be inspired to learn more about the extraordinary love of Jesus.